Preparing for Medical Visits

Because office visits are short (about 15 minutes), 准备可以帮助你充分利用你和你的医疗团队在一起的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. Researchers at Ohio State University developed the PACE Guide Sheet 给你一个简单的方法来组织你的感受,问题和担心在你的访问之前. PACE stands for:

  • P = Provide information about how you feel.
  • A = Ask questions if you don't have enough information.
  • C = Clarify what you hear.
  • E = Express any concerns you may have.

Here's how to use the PACE sheet:

  • 在你去看医生的前一两天,回答表格上的问题. 如果你没有问题或担心,在表格上留空.
  • 在就诊开始时,把这张表给你的医疗保健专业人员看. 在拜访期间,用这张纸记住你想要讨论的内容.

Used with permission from Donald J. 切加拉博士,俄亥俄州立大学传播与家庭医学荣誉教授

PACE: Learn more

P = Provide information about how you feel.

Write down your symptoms, concerns or problems. 如果你注意到自己的感觉发生了变化,记下这种变化是什么时候开始的.

Use these questions to help you describe your symptoms and concerns:

How you feel

  • Do you have pain (such as chest pain)? If so, where?
  • Is the pain constant, or does it come and go?
  • 是剧痛、钝痛、紧绷、有压迫感还是灼烧感?
  • When and how often did you notice it? For example, does it happen before or after eating, when you get up in the morning, when you are resting, or after physical activity?
  • How long does it last — a few seconds or a few minutes?
  • Does the symptom get worse when you're active? If so, which activities make it worse?

What you do for your symptoms

  • Do you take medication to make you feel better? What medication (for example, nitroglycerin for chest pain)? When and how do you take the medication?
  • Does the medication help?
  • Do you use other treatments to help you, such as vitamins, herbs, dietary supplements, over-the-counter medications, physical therapy, acupuncture or other treatments?
  • 避免某些事情,比如特定的活动、食物或药物,对这种情况有帮助吗? If so, what are the things that help?
  • Have you seen another health care professional about this condition? If so, how was your condition treated?

Your symptoms

  • 你认为你的症状可能受到问题、担忧或压力的影响吗? (If so, explain this to your doctor.)
  • 你是否担心这些症状可能是你的心脏状况恶化的征兆?

How can your health care professional help you?

想想你希望你的医疗保健专业人员能为你做些什么. If you have an idea, you can write it on the PACE sheet. 

A = Ask questions if you don't have enough information.

Think about your questions before your medical appointment. 把你的问题写在你的PACE表格或卡片上,这样你就不会忘记了. If you have more than three questions, 在最重要的问题上打上星号,这样你就可以确保先问他们.

使用这些样题来思考你想知道的关于你的病情的更多信息, medications, tests and other treatments.

Sample questions about your condition

  • What is coronary artery disease, or CAD, and why do I have it?
  • How bad is my CAD? Will I recover? Remain the same? Get worse?
  • Will the disease affect my normal activities? If so, how?
  • How long will I need to follow the treatments for this condition?
  • How will I know if my CAD is getting worse?
  • 有什么计划或支持团体来帮助我照顾和处理我的状况吗? 


  • What is the purpose of this test or procedure? What will it tell us about my condition?
  • Are there any risks in doing this test or procedure?
  • What does the test involve? For example:
    • Is the test painful?
    • How long does it take?
    • Will I be awake or asleep?
    • Do I need to bring someone with me?
    • Is the test covered by insurance?

Sample questions about medications

  • Why do I need to take the medication? What does it do?
  • 我应该注意哪些副作用并向我的医疗保健专业人员报告?
  • Do you have any samples I can try?
  • Is there a generic form of the medication?
  • Will I feel better when I take this medication? How long until I feel better?
  • 我应该怎样服药?如果我漏服了一剂药该怎么办?
  • How long will I need to take the medication?


  • What do I need to do?
  • How often?
  • How long will I need the treatment?
  • When will I see results?
  • Does the treatment have any risks?

C = Clarify what you hear.

当你和你的医疗团队交谈时,你可能会听到一些难以理解的事情. Or you may get mixed up because you hear so many things. Even if you think you know what the doctor, nurse, pharmacist or other medical professional is telling you, it's a good idea to clarify what you hear.

When you clarify what you hear, you:

  • Ask the professional to explain.
  • Repeat the professional's instructions.
  • Review what you heard.

Ask the health care professional to explain

如果你有不明白的地方,请医疗保健专业人员重复一遍. 如果你不懂一个单词,让他们用一个你能理解的更简单的单词. Make sure you know what they want you to do and why you should do it.

Try these phrases:

  • "I don't understand. Can you say that again, using different or simpler words?"
  • "Can you clarify?"
  • Could you please repeat that last part?"
  • What does that word mean?"
  • Please spell that word for me."

Repeat the health care professional's instructions

Medical professionals give a lot of instructions, such as when to take your medications, what to watch out for and how to take care of yourself. These instructions are important. To be sure you understand the instructions, repeat them back, using your own words, and ask the health care professional if your understanding is correct.

Try these phrases:

  • “I think you’re telling me that …”
  • “Am I correct that you want me to …”
  • “Before my next visit, I will …”
  • “You want me to call you if …”

Review what you heard

在电话、远程医疗或办公室访问结束时,回顾一下你所听到的. 重复你和你的医疗保健专业人员同意的事情. If you think you might forget something, 写下来,或者让他们帮你写下来,或者用电子邮件把这些信息发给你.

Here is an example of reviewing what you heard:

病人:“我知道我的胆固醇仍然很高,你想让我服用这种新药. 你认为我的锻炼有帮助,我可以把每天的步行线上电子游戏飞禽走兽增加到35分钟. Finally, you think my headaches are not related to my heart condition. Is that correct?" Health care professional: "Yes, 我们还同意你每天至少吃五份水果和蔬菜." Patient: "That's right. Could you please write that down for me? Have I missed anything else?"

Try these phrases:

  • "I heard you tell me these three things …"
  • "We decided that …"
  • "You want me to try a new medication because …"
  • "You think I'm doing fine except for …"
  • "Could you please write down the things you want me to remember?"


带上你的手机或其他录音设备,询问你的医疗保健专业人员是否可以记录你的就诊情况. 如果他们不愿意记录整个访问过程,请他们为你记录任何指示.



E = Express any concerns you may have.

You may have concerns about your condition and treatments, including procedures, tests, medications, dietary changes and physical activity recommendations. 向你的医疗保健专业人员说出你的担忧是很重要的. 确保你明白他们为什么要开某种治疗方法,以及它将如何帮助你的病情. 当你知道治疗计划对你的健康有多重要时,你会发现遵循治疗计划更容易.

如果你不听从医疗团队的指示,你的病情会变得更糟. If you can't follow your treatment plan, be honest and talk about it with your health care professional. 他们可能会推荐另一种更能满足你需求的治疗方法. 例如,如果你的一种药物有令人不快的副作用,不要只是停药. 告诉你的医疗保健专业人员你的问题,并询问是否有其他药物可以帮助你的情况,没有副作用.

使用PACE表记录您的问题或关注,以便与您的医疗保健专业人员进行审查. Write down what you would like to change and why.

Remember, you're the most important part of your health care team. 是否按照专业人士的建议去做,让自己更健康取决于你自己. You need to have your concerns and questions answered, so you can understand and follow your treatment plan.